Thursday, May 5, 2011

Metode Penelitian Deskriptif

Metode Penelitian Deskriptif

Banyak jenis-jenis metode penelitian salah satunya adalah metode penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian deskriptif merupakan metode penelitian yang berusaha menggambarkan dan menginterpretasi objek sesuai dengan apa adanya ( Best,1982:119). Penelitian ini juga sering disebut noneksperimen, karena pada penelitian ini penelitian tidak melakukan kontrol dan manipulasi variabel penelitian. Dengan metode deskriptif, penelitian memungkinkan untuk melakukan hubungan antar variabel, menguji hipotesis, mengembangkan generalisasi, dan mengembangkan teori yang memiliki validitas universal (west, 1982). Di samping itu, penelitian deskriptif juga merupakan penelitian, dimana pengumpulan data untuk mengetes pertanyaan penelitian atau hipotesis yang berkaitan dengan keadan dan kejadian sekarang. Mereka melaporkan keadaan objek atau subjek yang diteliti sesuai dengan apa adanya.

Penelitian deskriptif pada umumnya dilakukan dengan tujuan utama, yaitu menggambarkan secara sistematis fakta dan karakteristik objek dan sobjek yang diteliti secara tepat. Dalam perkembangan akhir-akhir ini, metode penelitian deskriptif juga banyak di lakukan oleh para penelitian karena dua alasan. Pertama, dari pengamatan empiris didapat bahwa sebagian besar laporan penelitian di lakukan dalam bentuk deskriptif. Kedua, metode deskriptif sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan variasi permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan bidang pendidikan maupun tingkah laku manusia.

Disamping kedua alasan seperti tersebut di atas, penelitian deskriptif pada umumnya menarik para peneliti muda, karena bentuknya sangat sedarhana dengan mudah di pahami tanpa perlu memerlukan teknik statiska yang kompleks. Walaupun sebenarnya tidak demikian kenyataannya. Karena penelitian ini  sebenarnya juga dapat ditampilkan dalam bentuk yang lebih kompleks, misalnya dalam penelitian penggambaran secara faktual perkembangan sekolah, kelompok anak, maupun perkembangan individual. Penenelitian deskriptif juga dapat dikembangkan ke arah penenelitian naturalistic yang menggunakan kasus yang spesifik malalui deskriptif mendalam atau dengan penelitian setting alami fenomenologis dan dilaporkan secara thick description (deskripsi mendalam) atau  dalam penelitian ex-postfacto dengan hubungan antarvariabel yang lebih kompleks.

Penelitian deskriptif yang baik sebenarnya  memiliki proses dan sadar yang sama seperti penelitian kuantitatif lainnya. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga memerlukan tindakan yang teliti pada setiap komponennya agar dapat menggambarkan subjek atau objek yang diteliti mendekati kebenaranya. Sebagai contoh, tujuan harus diuraikan secara jelas, permasalahan yang diteliti signifikan, variabel penelitian dapat diukur, teknik sampling harus ditentukan secara hati-hati, dan hubungan atau komparasi yang tepat perlu dilaukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran objek atau subjek yang diteliti secara lengkap dan benar.

Dalam penelitian deskriptif, peneliti tidak melakukan manipulasi variabel dan tidak menetapkan peristiwa yang akan terjadi, dan biasanya menyangkut peristiwa-peristiwa yang saat sekarang terjadi. Dengan penelitian deskriptifi, peneliti memungkinkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang berkaitan dengan hubungan variabel atau asosiasi, dan juga mencari hubungan komparasi antarvariabel.
Penelitian deskriptif mempunyai keunikan seperti berikut.
Penelitian deskriptif menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara, seringkali memperoleh responden yag sangat sediit, akibatnya biasa dalam membuat kesimpulan.

Penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan observasi, kadangkala dalam pengumpulan data tidak memperoleh data yang memadai. Untuk itu diperlukan para observer yang terlatih dalam observasi, dan jika perlu membuat chek list lebih dahulu tentang objek yang perlu dilihat, sehingga peneliti memperoleh data yang diinginkan secara objektif dan reliable.

terima kasih

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Business Ethics

What is Business Ethics?

Business ethics is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer.

Many businesses have gained a bad reputation just by being in business. To some people, businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom line. It could be called capitalism in its purest form. Making money is not wrong in itself. It is the manner in which some businesses conduct themselves that brings up the question of ethical behavior.

Good business ethics should be a part of every business. There are many factors to consider. When a company does business with another that is considered unethical, does this make the first company unethical by association? Some people would say yes, the first business has a responsibility and it is now a link in the chain of unethical businesses.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

 The competitive nature of the society we live in today has created a culture of cheating.
Because ethics are based on individual beliefs and social concepts, they vary among individuals, situations and cultures.

Having grown up as an only child of parents who lived through The Great Depression; who lived by the law of God and not by the laws of the land; I learned early about how people and businesses were SUPPOSED to behave. My upbringing shaped my beliefs. In the 1930’s The Great Depression was blamed on a climate of business greed and lack of restraint. Out of this economic turmoil new laws emerged formalizing the concept of accountability.

The recent unethical issues with big and other businesses such as Enron and the Burney Madoff’s and the Sanford Group have reinforced what I believe all business should be about; honest and socially responsible. Businesses are stealing from the very people who make it possible for them to exist.
Company Practices and Business Ethics – Two of the most common approaches to bring management together on the same accord businesses are adopting written codes and instituting ethics programs. There should be more internal oversight of these policies and programs. I have to believe there was some type code of conduct for the Enron crew. So what happened? I think we know. Top management was leading the way. Throughout the history of business there has always been a problem with greed and utter lack of responsibility to the people of this country. It is the little guy who suffers most.

Target and Walmart are two of the businesses in the 80’s and 90’that operated in socially responsible ways. Both have policies about the sales of weapons, they don’t. I have to agree with this policy I believe it has indirectly saved many lives. Walmart however has fallen short in other ways. They have not treated employees fairly and more recently they are in the news regarding their advertising claiming to have the lowest prices. This claim is being challenged by Costco. Walmart is on notice and are taking steps to address this issue and have promised to make the necessary changes to their advertising.

It takes money to make the world go round, true but it does not substitute for ethical behavior. Just because a company contributes dollars to a cause does not mean all else they do that is wrong should be overlooked.
According to the text, one key to business success is to decide in advance how to respond to the issues that underlie all questions of ethical and social responsibility.

I recall the class discussion regarding are there any grey areas. I have since considered that and have come up with the same answer. I do not believe there are grey areas. I strongly believe in a sixth sense, the following one’s first mind regarding every situation. First mind is always the right way for me. We all have a compass that guides us and our behavior. We do know what’s right or wrong or ethical. The problem lies in our denial and lack of acceptance of the fact that we are not doing the right thing, the importance of doing the right thing. I have heard people say well I did it because everyone else did it…they didn’t have a problem with it.